Be Bold. Be Brave: The unexpected, high-rise rewards of solo travel

It was my first time alone again after 4 weeks in South Thailand. I was on a HUGE come down. 

 After two weeks, I was coming towards the end of my time in Malaysia and to be honest, I felt so lonely and lost. I hadn’t been so lucky this time to meet people super easy and have ‘big’ experiences. 

 I had arrived in the capital (Kuala Lumpur) for one night only before heading off to Vietnam. I was tired, anxious and exhausted. 

But I had done some research and knew that there are some pretty cool speakeasy bars in the Chinatown area nearby where I was staying. 

So, I thought fk it. I whacked on the only dress I had in my backpack and dressed it up with a nice pair of trusty birkenstocks, and headed out to see what I could find.

PS150 is inconspicuous. Hidden in plane sight. It felt very strange asking the security guy at the door if there was actually a bar behind there…

After walking through three different style rooms before reaching the main bar I got a few stares to say the least. I just kept walking, found the bar and sat down. 

 Placed in between two groups of young chatty gals I had scored. Somehow I managed to mingle my way into their conversation (tbh, I don’t ask how) and got chatting. 

Next thing I knew, I was sipping cocktails with two lovely sisters from the UK who were looking for a fun night out during their time in KL.

One of the girls was studying here in KL and had heard of a place called the Helipad and said it’s one of the hidden gems of the city’s nightlife. 

‘It would be rude not to’, I thought…

Next thing I knew we were in a taxi and heading 34 floors up a rusty and creaking elevator in a very monotonous looking building. 

Once at the top, we paid our entrance fee of 100RM, picked our 2 included cocktails and climbed the stairs to the 36th floor helipad!

WOW. The view was incredible. 360° views over KL and a pumping rooftop bar at night. 

What an experience. 

2 hours ago there was no way I thought I would be sitting here looking out across the skyline of KL. 

Revived and hope in people reignited.  

The unexpected outcome of challenging myself to be bold and put myself out there. 

For anyone scared or intimidated of taking yourself out for dinner, a drink or maybe just a coffee… I promise you, no one is actually staring at you the way you think. 

Be Bold. Be Brave.

Put yourself out there.

You never know what experiences are waiting for you.


Conquering the 762 Curves: Thailand’s Highway 1095


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